
Lavender Flower – Lavender Flower combines green tea, known for its many health benefits including improved brain function and lowered risk of heart disease, with the invigorating scent of lavender blossoms to make a sweet, fragrant blend. You’ll have a hard time deciding which is better: the taste or smell!

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Lavender Flower – Lavender Flower combines green tea, known for its many health benefits including improved brain function and lowered risk of heart disease, with the invigorating scent of lavender blossoms to make a sweet, fragrant blend. You’ll have a hard time deciding which is better: the taste or smell!

What you’ll need:

1/2 cup of water (4oz) per serving
1 teaspoon of Lavender Green tea  per serving
Sugar, as desired
Electric glass kettle with tea infuser
or stainless steel pot and a fine mesh strainer

Best way to brew:

1. In a kettle or pot, bring water to a boil.
2. Remove the kettle or pot from heat.
3. If using a tea infuser, add the lavender Green tea leaves to the infuser. Otherwise, add the loose leaves directly into the pot.
4. Let the tea steep for three to five minutes. Remember, the longer it steeps, the stronger the flavor will be.
5. After steeping, strain the tea into your favorite teacup or mug to remove the tea leaves.
6. If desired, add sugar to sweeten the tea to your taste.
7. Enjoy your aromatic cup of Lavender Green tea!

Lavender Flower
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